The Democratization of Finance: How DLT is Mirroring the Evolution of Television

Kevin Monserrat
2 min readNov 16, 2023



Imagine a world where finance and television evolve in tandem, each from its monolithic, centralized past to a vibrant, democratized future. This journey, marked by technological and cultural revolutions, offers a glimpse into the transformative power of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) in the realm of finance, echoing the evolution of television.

The TV Revolution: From Centralized to Democratized Content

The story of television is one of metamorphosis. Initially controlled by government and a few corporations, it was a realm where variety and accessibility were curtailed. Then came a seismic shift with platforms like YouTube, igniting a content creation explosion. From its inception in 2005, YouTube, a platform originally intended as a niche dating site, has transformed into a video behemoth. Today, it boasts over 113.9 million channels, with only 4.4% of its 2.6 billion users creating their own channels. This democratization reflects not just a technological leap but a deep cultural change, satisfying a thirst for diverse, personalized content.

The Parallel in Financial Services

Similarly, the financial services industry is undergoing a profound transformation. Once the bastion of banks and large financial institutions, the creation of financial instruments is now democratizing rapidly, thanks to DLT and pioneers like TokenSphere. Asset tokenization, once a futuristic concept, has taken center stage, predicted to attract a staggering $1.4 trillion in global investment by 2025​. Like YouTube democratizing content creation, DLT platforms are enabling anyone to issue financial instruments, from fractions of real estate to parts of artworks.

The Democratization Effect

This shift in finance, akin to YouTube’s impact, is empowering individuals and smaller entities, revolutionizing access to assets and liquidity, and enhancing security and transaction efficiency​. The cost-effectiveness of this transformation is notable — the average cost of an IPO in the U.S. can be as high as $9.6 million, whereas Security Token Offerings (STOs) can be up to a hundred times cheaper​.

Challenges and Downsides

However, this journey is not without hurdles. Regulatory compliance and the need for standardized and interoperable platforms pose significant challenges. The financial landscape, much like the diverse video formats on YouTube, requires a common language for seamless interactions. Moreover, with increased opportunities come risks like market volatility and potential fraud, necessitating education for both issuers and investors to maintain stability​


The democratization of finance through DLT is mirroring the transformation of television, driven by platforms like YouTube. In 2022, YouTube’s creator ecosystem contributed over $35 billion to the U.S. GDP and supported over 390,000 jobs, signifying its immense economic impact​. Likewise, DLT is poised to redefine the financial landscape, making it more inclusive and responsive. As we embrace this new era, finance is evolving from a domain dominated by large institutions to a fertile ground for innovation and participation by all.



Kevin Monserrat

Investor, Board Member, Liquid Venture Fund Builder at @consilience